A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle.Its name is derived from the English drone, which in Spanish is translated as: "male bee". There are drones of different sizes and with different purposes for a long time, but their manufacturing cost was very high for large scale commercialization and did not have the characteristics they currently have.

The main characteristic of a drone is that its flight is controlled remotely. Some through the intervention of software and others directly through a pilot who directs it from the ground.
Drones can be of two types. Those that resemble an airplane: take off, follow a trajectory in the air and land; and those that look like a helicopter: These have the same characteristics as the first, but are able to stay static in the air.
These can also be differentiated by their types of platforms, which are basically of two types: fixed wing and rotating wing; The fixed wing has the appearance and shape of a model airplane and the rotary wing is divided into two types: helicopters and multirotors.
Multirotors are the most popular tool currently and the one we commonly have in our minds when thinking of a drone. This design provides great versatility and efficiency in operations due to its simplicity in the controls at the time of being piloted and the speed of assembly. It is a stable platform by nature, because the engines are at the same distance from the center of gravity of the aircraft.

According to the number of engines we can also classify them as follows: in trichopters (3 engines), quadcopters (4 engines), hexacopter (6 engines) and octocopter (8 engines); and according to the configuration of the arms its classification is: in "Y" (Greek i), " Y inverted" (inverted Greek i), "X", "+" (cross).
On the other hand, there are also coaxial multirotors - that is, two motors per arm. This provides a saving in the weight of the apparatus by having half the arms but, on the contrary, aerodynamic efficiency is reduced. When choosing between a multi-rotor or another, we must take into account that more arms represent greater stability and greater safety, while more engines represent greater propulsion and, therefore, higher battery consumption.

Currently, the advantages of using drones are many thanks to the technology that has been developed, and due to its different sizes and capacities it is possible to fly, assess and visualize all kinds of areas and routes that in the past were inaccessible.
With unmanned aircraft we have absolute freedom and versatility to generate graphic shots of infinity of areas and terrains that we want to observe and visualize, dictating and choosing with total freedom the route and the space for which we want to travel.
There is no tool more versatile than a drone to generate visual content and perform tasks that until now implied a high investment of resources for its realization. The creative and technological capabilities of a drone are endless and applicable to any type of project. The advantages (in price, management, operability, etc.) are substantial compared to other tools and methods.
Explore the benefits drones can bring to your projects with AV Drones!
- Definición de drones. (2016). Concepto Definición. Recuperado de: http://conceptodefinicion.de/dron/ [Febrero, 2018].
- Silva, L. (2017). Ventajas y desventajas de los drones. Dronesweb.net. Recuperado de: dronesweb.nethttps://www.dronesweb.net/ventajas-desventajas-los-drones/#Ventajas_de_los_Drones [Febrero, 2018].