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Tijuana in Drone


Under the slogan "Here begins the homeland", also known as: The door of Mexico and The corner of Latin America. Tijuana is the most populated city in the state of Baja California and is part of the largest transnational metropolitan area in Mexico along with Rosarito, Tecate, San Diego and California. It is the most visited border city in the world, which makes the crossing of San Ysidro ("La garita") on the busiest border on the planet with an estimated of more than 300 thousand daily border crossings. These characteristics have led it to be considered as a city of great cultural impact, symbol of diversity of ideas, cradle of transitions and revolutions.

Tijuana achieved its popularity between the 1920s and 1930s, it became a delirious city that allowed foreigners to enjoy the excesses that dry law prohibited them. Bars and entertainment centers became popular, and by the 1950s, the city had become a venue for musical expression, especially of African-American groups who found space on the border because of racism and segregation in the United States. . Music acquired a strong political and social criticism influence with jazz, blues, soul and rock and roll: here "Mexican rock" was born (Viera, 2013).

In an interview with Excelsior (2017), the owner of the Tijuana Cultural Center - Pedro Ochoa Palacio - said: "It was thought that Tijuana was a society without identity or that proximity to the border put it at risk (...) but the identity was there, you only had to give it value (...) Tijuana was not founded, like the cities of the center of the country with a ceremonial center or a church or a royal decree, but from the border, the result of the war with the United States. A small community that started living basically from commerce and tourism. But there are the roots of identity too. "

The second wave of rock took place in the 1980s and Tijuana prepared to house it again from then until now: there was a search for spaces through a self-managed network to keep local rock alive, always full of different influences musical - As Stuart Hall (2010) says in Priscilla M. Viera (2013) - "representation connects the meaning of language to say something with meaning in the world or to represent it in a meaningful way to other people who share cultural symbols (...) representation is an essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. "


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Bautista, V. (2017). Tijuana y su esplendor cultural. Excélsior. Recuperado de:

Secretaría de Cultura. (2013). Tijuana, más de 50 años de transformación cultural.

Gobierno Federal. Recuperado de:

Viera, P. (2013). Mujeres, Tijuana y rock and roll: representaciones y autorepresentaciones de jóvenes rockeras. ELSEVIER. Volumen (48). pp. 3-337. Recuperado de:

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Bacalar in Drone

Between 415 and 435 of our era, the Mayans founded the city of Sian Ka'an Bakhalal (Sian Ka'an = birth of heaven / bakhalal = surrounded by reeds). Historically it has been a strategic point of transport and exchange, but due to its distance from the state capital (Mérida) it is an area that has been isolated, representing a problem of political control and settlement; in 1630 it was an intermediate point of route to Guatemala and Honduras, during the S. XVII and SXVIII was constantly attacked by pirates -especially English, French and Dutch- which resulted in the construction of the fort of San Felipe de Bacalar, and in 1848 -As a result of the War of Castas- was depopulated until 1902, which was reconquered by the Mexican military.

Currently, the main attraction of the area is tourism and unfortunately, as there is no good solid waste management plan, uncontrolled urban and tourist growth and lack of drainage and wastewater management and industrial agriculture. A serious ecological problem is brewing in the Laguna de Bacalar, which concerns citizens and the government in general. The pollution is causing an excessive growth of algae in the lagoon. These algae - besides decreasing the oxygen levels of the water - release cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins that can affect the liver, brain and neurological system of the population that depends directly on this resource.


Biologist Shanty Acosta (2018) addresses the problem and also states that in the Yucatan Peninsula is the most important freshwater reserve in Mexico and in the State of Quintana Roo the largest volume of this water is concentrated. Previously the most important reserve was that of Chiapas, but currently most of that water is either contaminated or is concessioned to transnational companies.

Water has to be a priority, both for the authorities and for citizens. Not acting on time would represent an ecological problem and an irreversible public health crisis.


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Almaza, A. (2018). Alerta en Bacalar por inminente catástrofe ambiental. Pedro Canché Noticias. Recuperado de:

La Verdadera Historia de Bacalar. (s.f.) Mente urbana. Recuperado de:

1 Información de Shanty Acosta Sinencio durante la Rueda de Prensa “Alerta Bacalar” llevada a cabo el 12 de enero de 2018 y presentada por Angélica Amazan a través de:

Martín, C. (2015). Alarmante contaminación de la Laguna de Bacalar. SIPSE. Recuperada de:


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Taxco in Drone

Taxco -word that in Nahuatl means "place where ball is played" - is a city located north of the state of Guerrero, its mere mention evokes the novohispano mining splendor, thanks to its richness of subsoil, especially silver, which is admired and recognized around the world. The city captivated the interest of artists and miners beyond that of historians, so there is little research that studies the region beyond the mining organization that was given to its surroundings from the sixteenth century and the aesthetic perspective, since here is one of the most beautiful expressions of Churrigueresque art, the church of Santa Prisca. (Pérez, 1996).

In 2007, Minera México, a subsidiary of Grupo México S.A. de CV, reported the definitive closure of the Taxco mining unit due to the depletion of the available reserves (El Universal, 2007), a problem that became critical when the union went on strike in 2006 due to an increase in insecurity and accidents on the part of the workers according to a note of the 2009 that is titled: Taxco, the city of the silver, loses part of its shine by the crisis. This note also states that, in the historic city and world known for silver, the market is being invaded by Chinese trade. Silverware represented the main source of income for the inhabitants who, due to the crisis, have grouped into small cooperatives and opened their workshops to attract tourists, being forced to raise the prices of their products because it was necessary to import the mineral.


Seeking to activate tourism in the area, since 2011 takes place "Downhill Taxco", a world-class event that receives the best bike riders, who make a descent through the narrow streets of the city, doing various tricks and facing obstacles and ramps through which demonstrate their skill and dexterity. Among other festivities during the year is: The National Silver Fair, The Jumil Day that happens every first Monday in November and The Day of the Jug; an event that exposes the beauty of Mexican pottery.

Taxco is history, beauty and recognition of Mexican art and work in its maximum splendor.

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Faro Cancun in Drone


At present, the use of lighthouses is almost obsolete thanks to the use of GPS navigation systems. In Mexico, however, currently operate 135 along the coasts and coast of the nation, are a historical legacy and symbol of cultural identity.

Depending on its use, there are three types of lighthouses: 1) those of landfall that facilitate the arrival of ships; 2) Intermediate, they work as complements of lighthouses of arrival, they are in the coasts and offer aid to the navigator; and 3) situation, and serve to indicate accidents or risk situations for navigation (Government of the Republic, 2017).


The lighthouse of Costa Cancun is iconic of the hotel zone, a place recognized for its harmony and beauty that allows you to enjoy and capture unforgettable postcards. Supposedly it is a place of public access -as- according to Mexican legislation, the beaches are federal property and free of traffic (Luckie, 2018).

Accessing the lighthouse can be complicated, since there are no free passes due to the excessive sale of lots and uncontrolled hotel construction; If you try to enter the beach, the nearest access is through Playa Caracol. In an interview with Helena Hernandez, Tiziana Roma mentions the following (2018): "little by little, access to the beach has been limited to citizens (...) previously the first inhabitants of Cancun could freely enjoy the beaches, but now it seems that the population was strange or foreign and each time has less opportunity to enjoy it ".


Let's take care of what we have, this is Mexico.


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Drones and Environment


En los últimos 15 años ha aumentado el uso de drones para el monitoreo de la vida silvestre y su hábitat, con ellos se pueden obtener mapas en alta resolución, información para conocer el estado atmosférico, evaluación del impacto de obras y planificación urbana, vigilancia, etc. Esto a un bajo costo en tiempo y recursos, y con la posibilidad de tener información valiosa en cualquier época del año. Su uso se enfoca en particular a la fauna sensible en zonas poco accesibles o para especies raras de difícil detección u observación. Las rutas de navegación de los drones se pueden programar previamente, al igual que las zonas de despegue y aterrizaje, por lo que la información puede ser recaudada prácticamente de manera automática.



Los drones pueden ayudar con actividades relacionadas al cultivo, cuidado y explotación de los bosques y montes (silvicultura). Como lo muestra el ingeniero Lauren Fletcher de la Universidad de Oxford, quien diseña drones capaces de llevar a cabo siembras masivas de árboles para combatir la deforestación esparciendo semillas desde el aire. También son muy eficientes para detectar incendios y determinar con precisión la zona de fuego para extinguirlo de manera efectiva.

Los drones pueden ser útiles herramientas para medir la contaminación del aire, detectar áreas de deforestación, ayudar a la aplicación de pesticidas y fertilizantes, monitorear bosques, selvas, y hasta vigilar las costas marinas para detectar posibles riesgos y visualizar desastres e impactos naturales. Pueden capturar imagines durante 24 horas para una supervisión constante en tiempo real.

Protección de la vida silvestre

Desde el aire, un dron se pueden cuantificar las especies de flora y fauna, realizar descripciones de paisaje y detectar actividades humanas que impactan los ecosistemas. Las reservas naturales los utilizan para protegerlas y vigilarlas de cazadores furtivos; previenen ataques, adquieren evidencia para procesos legales o son utilizados como elemento disuasorio.

Fotografía tomada con cámara infrarroja.

También pueden localizar y monitorear la actividad de animales a través de geolocalizadores que funcionan en tiempo real. En concreto, esta tecnología ha sido utilizada en los parques nacionales de Namibia para la protección de elefantes y rinocerontes, incluso se han utilizado para identificar nidos y camas de orangutanes y madrigueras de roedores.

Utilizar drones en pro del medio ambiente es fundamental en nuestros días. El acceso a hábitats poco estudiados, la observación de especies difíciles de filmar o la posibilidad de sobrevolar situaciones complejas es ahora posible.

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